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When will this trail system be open to ride?

Phase 1 is currently open!


Where is this trail system located?

20 miles south of Pikeville, KY on US 23

NOTE: Phase 1 of the Hillbilly Trail System is named, Flatwoods trails.

There will be 2 trailheads;


Current Trailhead


Flatwoods trailhead (North trailhead):

41 Flatwoods Rd

                    Pikeville, KY                   

Coordinates 37*17’15.4”N    82*33’15.6”W

Directions to Trailhead


Overflow Parking Available (11 miles away from North Trailhead):


Overflow Parking

Upper Pigeon trailhead (South Trailhead);

12423 Elkhorn Creek

Shelby Gap, KY

Coordinates 37*14'21.5"N  82*30'59.2"W

Directions to Overflow Parking


How many miles of trails do you have?

We have over 90 miles of trails on nearly 6,000 acres of land.


Do I need a permit to be on the trails?

Yes, proof of permit (sticker or wallet card or digital proof) required for all non-resident drivers and passengers. 


Pike County, KY residents are only required to have to one (1) proof of permit per vehicle which includes the driver and all passengers. The driver of the vehicle must have a valid KY driver’s license or a State issued photo I.D. with a Pike County address.


Do you sell 1 day permits or weekend permits?

No. Pike County Fiscal Court's, Hillbilly Trail System is an entity of State Government and operates under KRS 411.190 which states we cannot sell a permit that is valid for less than 30 days.


If I sign a land agreement to allow the trails to cross my property do I have to purchase a permit?

No, you will receive a free “Life of lease” sticker which will be good as long as the land agreement is active and in force. The sticker will cover the driver and all passengers.


Where can I purchase a permit?

Kentucky residents can purchase a permit at one of our local retailers. Visit the retailers page for a list of local retailers.
Out of State residents can purchase a permit online or at one of our local retailers. To purchase a permit, visit the permit page for both online and retailer purchasing options.


How long is my permit valid?

Annual permits expire on the last day of the month you purchased them in, one year later.

Example: If you purchased your permit on March 4, 2023 your permit will expire March 31,2024.


Do you have a Facebook page?

Yes, like our Facebook page for updates and photos at, Hillbilly Trails Systems - Pike County, Kentucky.


Are there age restrictions?

No, but all passengers must meet the manufacturer’s minimum age and/or size requirements for the machine they will be on. Minors must be under the direct supervision and within eyesight of an adult at all times.


Do I have to wear a helmet

Anyone under the age of 16 is required to wear a helmet per KRS 189.515, motorcycles included.


Do I have to have a sticker on the outside of my machine?

Yes, your sticker must be visible from the outside of your machine. (Door, Windshield, etc.)


Are passengers allowed on ATV’s?

We follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. If the machine is manufactured for only one person, passengers are not allowed on this machine. We do not allow add-on features such as passenger seats


Are your trails always open?

Yes, year around riding allowed except for seasonal hunting restrictions as posted.


Can I ride at night?

Night riding is allowed except in quiet zones, as posted.

Ride slow and no loud music in quiet zones during daylight hours.


Are dirt bikes and bicycles allowed?



Do I need a permit to ride my dirt bike or bicycle on the trail?

Yes, no matter what you are riding, you will need a permit.


Are Jeeps allowed?



Can I ride alone?

We suggest riding in groups for safety.


Is there a limit on the number in a group?



Is there a speed limit?

Operate at reasonable speeds and under control at all times. Beware of oncoming traffic.


What are your rules and regulations?

A full list of our rules and regulations can be found on our website.


Who patrols the trail system?

Pike County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO).


How are these trails rated?

Green – Easiest

Blue – Moderate

Black w/White – Difficult

Black w/Red – Extreme









What type of vehicle is allowed on this trail system?

ATV’s, UTV’s, Jeeps, Dirt Bikes and Bicycles.

We are planning an equine trail.


Do I have to purchase a permit to ride my Equine on the trails?

Yes, no matter what you are riding.


Are dogs allowed?

Yes, dogs/pets must always be leashed while in the area.



Trail Difficulty Symbols eps[96].png

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Hillbilly Trails


Pike County Fiscal Court

146 Main St.

Pikeville, Ky. 41501

Office (606) 432-6247

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Founded by the Pike County Fiscal Court

Thank you for believing in Hillbilly Trails.

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